Congratulations to Rocio and Ronald! Both successfully defended their doctoral thesis in December 2023 receiving a double-degree from the Université d’Aix-Marseille and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Position paper from the Maastricht Conference accepted for publication
The Position Paper of the 4th Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis has recently been accepted for publications. This publication summarises the outcome of all scientific sessions of the conference. All TICARDIO Members have contributed to this publication.
SAVE THE DATE: TICARDIO Training + Conference in Marseille 13.03.-17.03.2023
We are very happy to announce the final TICARDIO Conference, which will take place from 15.-17. March 2023 in Marseille, France. Prior to the conference the TICARDIO Training will take place (13.-14.03.2023). Further information will follow soon.
A Sip of Science – TICARDIO will take you on a flavoured journey of Science (18.09.2022)
Be a scientict for a day and let us show you why research matters to you and to everyone! At the Mainzer Science Week Anxhela, Claudia, Pengyu and Ronald (all Early Stage Reserachers) will show you a day in the life of a scientist – come and join us on the 18th of September 2022, 11am at Qartier Mayence for a ‘Meenzer Science Frühschoppe‘.
SAVE THE DATE: TICARDIO Conference in Maastricht 23-25.03.2022
We are very happy to announce the 2nd TICARDIO Conference which is jointly organised with the MCCT (Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis). The Joint Conference will take place from 23-25 March 2022 in Hotel Crowne Plaza in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Please follow this link for more information.
A chat with a doctoral scientist – TICARDIO on the Science Sofa
Trisha and Anxhela, both Early Stage Researchers, presented TICARDIO at the Science Fair in Mainz. On the Science Sofa, they talked about the advantages of TICARDIO, the importance of their research and why you should become a scientist, too!